London - Catford Bridge
Canadian Avenue : SE6 4TY
London - Catford Bridge : Map credit National Library of Scotland London - Catford Bridge : Image credit Wiki Commons The Private Banks sports ground covers 20 acres and was established in 1872. It was used for some Kent County cricket matches from 1875. The Private Banks Cricket Club hosted bicycle racing on a 440 yards grass track at their ground from 1876.

The Private Banks Athletic Club held a sports meeting at Catford Bridge on June 17th 1876 which drew a large crowd. The only bicycle race on the program was a three miles handicap event which had 16 competitors and this event provided the most interest. The following year, two bicycle races were included and there were 2,000 spectators. The sports continued at the ground to around 1896, when it was called Glyn's Bank Athletic Sports.

The 1894 club advertisement for the annual sports states that "Events open to members of the universities, public schools, hospitals, leading athletics clubs or on introduction by members of the Private Banks C and AC".

In August 1877 the Lombard Bicycle Club, whose membership consists mainly of City bankers, held their first annual sports at the ground. The bicycle events were 1, 2 and 4 miles handicap races and a slow bicycle race, all for club members only. The well supported meetings continued until 1882.

The ground was sold to the nearby St Dunstan's College independent school in 2012 and renamed the Jubilee Ground. The site has playing fields, a gym, dance studio and function rooms.

Refs     : [p]
Photos : Wiki Commons
Maps    : National Library of Scotland